Voir Film Shark Week Film 2012
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Film : Shark Week
Année: 2012
Genre: Action, Adventure, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Acteurs: Yancy Butler, Patrick Bergin, Joshua Michael Allen, Bart Baggett, Erin Coker, Frankie Cullen, Valerie K. Garcia, Billy Ray, Meredith Thomas, Robert Matthew Wallace
Réalisateur: Christopher Ray
Durée: 1 h 29 min
Synopsis : Voir film Shark Week en streaming vf filmstoon, After the untimely death of his son, the affluent sadist, Tiburon, abducts eight seemingly unrelated perfect strangers. Intent on feeding them to his favourite pet-sharks, Tiburon has devised a series of devilishly cruel and increasingly challenging tests for his prisoners to endure, knowing that theres no escape from his secluded island compound. Each assault wave involves more voracious shark species than the previous, until the final confrontation with the ultimate beast of the ocean. But, human life is very cheap in Tiburons island. Who shall live and who shall die in the bloody Shark Week?

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